Weather in North Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia.

Yearly summary for 2019  


  Temperature Humidity Barometric Pressure Rainfall Wind Sun Air Quality
Month Norm Mean Avg. Max. Avg. Min. Abs. Max. Abs. Min Mean Max. Min. Mean Max. Min. Norm Total Days Mean Max Max
Norm Hours PM2.5 PM10

The elevation of the site is 178m and the barometric pressure is corrected to sea level. The weather station was installed in November 2014. Norm data has been taken from the Bureau of Meteorology website. The data is generated from my weather station. It is automatically uploaded to Weather Underground. I use the IBM Weather Company API to show the data and forecast information on this page. The formatting is based on the default from the WsWin software, which I use for analysis of the weather data. I also use the Hamweather Aeris API for some of the astronomical information shown on this page 

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© 1999-2011 Werner Krenn / Mischa Thurnherr - Weatherstation Operating- and Data Acquisition Software - V2.96.3